Discussion:Too Young To Dress Like That...

9:56 PM

There is a lot of talk about the youngest of the Kardashian clan, Kylie Jenner (17), about how she’s dressed, her alleged 25 year old boyfriend Tyga, and overnight plumped lips. Who are we (the public) to say that her mother, Kris Jenner, is a bad parent for allowing her daughter to do some of these things at her age?!

No, I do not have any children, but I think that there are certain things that young girls should not wear. I’m not about sending the wrong message to young men or any man.  Is there a level of respect you want to teach your daughter(s) to have for herself, whether she comes from money or not??

Or… Is it even her fault that she dresses or look like this at all. Coming from a family that’s all about beauty and making money from being beautiful could have put pressure on her to change her look. Just a thought…

What are your thoughts? Are we in a time where it is OK for our young teenage girls to dress like this? 

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